Patent and Trademark Made in Romania – Is there any market?
Our friends from Wall-Street have asked us: patents, trademarks — how familiar are we with such concepts? Of course, we answered straight away and Ana Maria Andronic offered a complete picture of the legal aspects referring to Romania as well as Europe.
“If you want to receive patent protection in Romania one must go to the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM). Here you can present the patent application. In principle, the application must be completed with a dedicated lawyer or an intellectual property specialist. In other words, for such a petition to be completed correctly one should benefit from the advice of a person familiar with both the technical aspects as well as the legal ones, helping thus with the application, the required description of the product whose registration is sought and the points of novelty features that it has.”
The entire article can be read here: Brevete si marci made in Romania – exista piata sau NU?