Contest on
By Alexandra Dumitru on September 18, 2012
Our friends at are putting together a great contest for all of you out there between 12 and 21st September. It’s all connected to their event in Bucharest on October 4 2012: Conferinta Finantare Bucuresti. The sign up of speakers is great with names such as: Constanta Bodea, Marius Bostan or Victoria Cupet, so participating in the event is a definite win.
What to do?
Visit, sign up for the conference and apart from participating in a great event, you also get to win excellent books which are sure to make your evenings more delightful.
What will you win?
- 2 x 13 bancheri. Dominatia Wall Street-ului si urmatorul colaps financiar, Simon Johnson, James Kwak
- 2 x Samaritenii cei rai. Mitul liberului schimb si istoria secreta a capitalismului, Ha-Joon Chang: pdf
- 2 x Cum sa-ti dezvolti abilitatile de comunicare. Ce stiu, fac si spun expertii in comunicare, Gill Hasson: pdf
- 2 x Cum sa obtii maximum in orice negociere. Ce stiu, fac si spun cei mai buni negociatori, Nic Peeling
- 2 x Puterea: de ce unii reusesc sa o obtina, iar altii nu, Jeffrey Pfeffer: pdf
What’s left?
Tons of good luck!